Emergency School Closure Monday 13th February

Good afternoon Monte Whanau,As Auckland is still in a state of emergency, the school has been closely monitoring Auckland Emergency Management advice and based on the current advice from Auckland Emergency Management and Met Service we have made the decision to close the school on Monday 13th February.
  • This decision is made with the safety of staff and students in mind
  • Predicted possible road closures, power and water outages could make the school unsafe
  • During a storm we are advised to stay inside and avoid unnecessary travel

Families should continue to monitor and follow all advice from Auckland Emergency Management. I will also communicate regular updates. As we are all unsure what the rain and wind may bring overnight, and again tomorrow – we (the Monte Board of Trustees and myself) will make a decision regarding Tuesday 14th February and communicate this to you all as soon as practical.Stay safe whanau and please reach out if you need any help.Maybe St Valentine will pass on all our prayers this week.Ngaa mihi nui,With Christ’s Blessings,Sarah McAlpine