Catholic Character
Our goal as a Catholic School is to ensure that our students have the opportunity to encounter Christ in their lives.
We are a Mercy Charism School and have celebrated this Mercy for more than 100 years. We instill our Mercy values daily in the way we interact and learn with each other.
Our School Values are:
Truth - knowing the difference between right and wrong, owning up when you make a mistake, being honest
Respect - respecting and including others, being aware of others feelings, to demonstrate consideration towards others
Integrity - to stand up for what you know is right, others can rely on you, genuine honesty in actions and words to self and others
Courage - to be proud of being part of a Catholic community, taking risks, to use right judgement and persevere

Monte Cecilia Special Character Report contains information from the last review held in 2019.
Religious Education
Through the Religious Education class programme we provide opportunities for children to learn what it is to be Catholic – what Catholics believe, and how they celebrate, live and pray.
The Learning Strands are:
God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Church, Sacrament, Communion of Saints.
The Learning Modules are:
Liturgical Year, Prayer, Myself and Others, Sacramental Celebrations.
At Monte Cecilia Catholic School the children start and end the day with prayer. Karakia is also offered before the sharing of food.
Our Special Catholic Character is integrated with all curriculum areas through a range of authentic contexts. In Term 1 we focus on the Liturgical learning curriculum which covers the end of Christmas, the end of ordinary time leading into Lent, Lent, Holy Week and Easter time. There are also Saint Day celebrations through the year. In Term 4 we learn about Advent and Christmas. We encourage our families to attend any celebrations and Masses at school and church, to help support their child's faith enrichment.